How Ideal is Coaching a Career for You?
Stepping into the world of coaching is a transformative journey, one that requires profound insight, a passion for personal development, and a deep commitment to understanding human behavior.
At Wasambe, under Avni's leadership, our coaching approach goes beyond the surface; it delves deep, integrating the potent synergies of Inner Child Integration Therapy (ICIT) and the mastery of NLP. This allows for an unparalleled depth in the coaching journey, setting Wasambe coaches apart from the rest.
Before embarking on this profound path, it's essential to assess if this depth aligns with your aspirations and capabilities. Our Coaching Certification Suitability Quiz will help you discover your affinity for Wasambe's unique approach.
The Questions:
How frequently do you find yourself in a leadership role?
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Often (3)
Are you seeking additional income streams?
No (1)
Maybe (2)
Yes (3)
How comfortable are you with helping others resolve conflicts?
Not at all (1)
Somewhat (2)
Very (3)
How much time are you willing to commit to coaching certification?
Limited time (1)
Some time (2)
A lot of time (3)
How open are you to learning new skills?
Not open (1)
Somewhat open (2)
Very open (3)
How interested are you in human behavior and psychology?
Not interested (1)
Somewhat interested (2)
Very interested (3)
Are you comfortable speaking in front of a group?
No (1)
Somewhat (2)
Yes (3)
How willing are you to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone?
Not willing (1)
Somewhat willing (2)
Very willing (3)
How interested are you in starting a new career?
Not interested (1)
Maybe in the future (2)
Very interested (3)
Are you interested in helping others achieve their goals?
Not interested (1)
Somewhat interested (2)
Very interested (3)
How committed are you to personal growth and development?
Not committed (1)
Somewhat committed (2)
Very committed (3)
Do you feel you have effective communication skills?
Not effective (1)
Somewhat effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Are you looking to enhance your leadership abilities?
No (1)
Maybe (2)
Yes (3)
Do you enjoy working with people?
No (1)
Somewhat (2)
Yes (3)
Are you interested in becoming a coaching-style leader?
No (1)
Maybe (2)
Yes (3)
Scoring Your Results:
Total your points to gauge your alignment with Wasambe's deep-dive coaching philosophy.
15-25: Your inclination towards coaching is budding. While you might benefit from a foundational coaching certification, the Wasambe deep dive approach may require further exploration on your end.
26-35: You showcase a moderate affinity for coaching. With Wasambe, you'll be introduced to tools and techniques that surpass traditional coaching standards. Prepare for a profound journey of self-discovery and mastery.
36-45: Your innate alignment with coaching's core values and depth is evident. You're poised to greatly benefit from Wasambe's profound approach to coaching certification. Embrace a transformative journey that goes beyond conventional coaching realms.
Coaching as More than a Profession
At Wasambe, coaching transcends being just a profession; it's a profound journey of depth, self-exploration, and transformation.
Regardless of your score, if the intricate layers of human behavior and profound coaching techniques intrigue you, Wasambe, under Avni's guidance, is here to chart out this transformative path for you.